January 11, 2023

Digital Workplace: The new trend


Mesa de trabajo con personas reunidas
Nowadays, there are more organizations adopting a Digital Workspace in order to manage projects. Due to Covid 19 and the prohibition of physically attending to offices, there has been an increase in the use of Digital Workplaces, since many companies discovered that they can reduce expenses and improve performance with home-office.

Digital Workplace refers to work in an environment that uses technology to improve productivity and efficiency. This usually includes the use of online communication, collaboration tools, project management systems, tasks and other applications that help teamwork. The goal of a Digital Workplace is to provide a smoother and easier experience, allowing each employee to access the information and tools they need quickly and easily.

Matt Cain comments that, according to data from the Gartner Digital Workplace survey (2021), 68% of the surveyed employees say that managers have increased their interest in Digital Workplaces since the pandemic.

Companies around the world choose to have a Digital Workspace because it has low economic costs and high adoption from the employees. Each worker is allowed to work from anywhere and improves their productivity.

There are several potential benefits for companies that centralize their day-to-day activities in management software:

  1. Greater efficiency: Online communication and collaboration platforms allows better interaction between workers since there are several ways to organize meetings and chat between each other.
  2. More flexibility: Workers can access their work from anywhere, without going to a physical office.
  3. Better use of time: Employees are more productive and they do not spend time traveling to the office.
  4. Cost reduction: By not having to provide a physical workspace, companies can lower their infrastructure costs.
  5. Better control of the status of projects: Since everything is on one platform, managers can easily track the progress of each project.

It is important to evaluate the needs of the company and choose the tool or application that best suits them. There is a significant number of platforms that are used to manage projects, tasks, resources, optimize workflows and promote communication between departments. Workdeck is one of them, but it offers a service that includes more functionalities and integration tools such as Gantt diagram, Kanban, chat, Google Workspace, Office 365, among others.

If you want to learn more about our platform, we invite you to start the 15-day free trial or request a demo with one of our account executives. Start today your business transformation with Workdeck.

1 Predicts 2022: Digital Workplace Is Foundational for Employee Experience (gartner.com)